Text Generator |
- Where to find it:
- Main Window / Extension Pack / Text Tool
- Mari 4.x: Tools Toolbar /
Extension Pack adds a Text Generation Tool to Mari:
Before you start to generate Text, you need to decide if you want the text created directly in the Paint Buffer or as a Paint Through Image.
Your prefered way of generating text is saved for future uses.
Paint Through Image
- If you choose 'PaintThrough Image' Mode, Mari switches automatically to the 'Paint Through' Tool allowing you to modify the Image
in the Viewport
- Whenever Text is generated an Image with the 'Unique Filename' is loaded into the Image Manager
and set as Paint Through Image
- Generated Images are saved in your projects default Image directory. You can check and change the path in the Images Section
of the Set Project Paths Tool, also included in Extension Pack.
Paint Buffer
- If you choose 'Paint Buffer' Mode, Mari switches automatically to the 'Transform Paint' Tool, allowing you to modify the Image
Buffer in the VIewport
The Resolution field determines the Image Resolution of the generated Text.
Image Resolution vs Paint Buffer Resolution
- In PaintThrough Image Mode, this sets the resolution of the generated Image
- In Paint Buffer Mode, this sets the resolution of the Paint Buffer.
Don't forget to change it back when you are done, to the resolution you want to continue working in !
Screen Space Text Size
The Screen Space Text Size dynamically scales your font size up and down, to maintain the same size of the generated text
on screen between resolutions.
This allows you to work for example in 512x512 for fast Text Generation Mode, and then scale up to 2048x2048 in the end
while the result (font size, spacing etc.) stays the same on screen.
Screen Space Text Size is remembered between sessions
Work low, generate High Generating a High resolution Image can take a second. For fast iteration, work at low resolution, keep 'Screen Space Text Size' ticked on and generate the final resolution when you are done |
The Position specifies the position of your generated text in the image or paint buffer
Generation Mode Tool Options |
Depending on your chosen method of Text Generation, additional options are available
When in PaintThrough Image Text Generation Mode, the Unique Filename allows you to specify the Filename used to load
the generated Image into the Paint Buffer.
By default, the Text Generator will keep overwriting the previous generated Image.
If you wish to keep a generated Text for future use in the Image Manager, change the Filename and the Tool will not overwrite
the old Image.
The Filename is remembered between sessions.
For convenience several Paint Buffer Actions are directly available in the UI
Reset Paint Buffer Transform will reset your Buffer transformation to the values they were at, at Text Tool launch
Text Tool Reset Paint Buffer vs Default Mari Reset Paint Buffer Other than the default Mari Reset Paint Buffer available in the 'Transform Paint' Toolbar the Text Tool's Reset Buffer resets Transformations to the State they were in when the Text Tool dialog was launched |
Bake Paint Buffer bakes down the paint in the buffer
Bake and Clear Paint Buffer bakes down the paint in the buffer and clear it after
Clear Paint Buffer will delete the Paint currently in the Buffer
The Text Style options give you the usual controls over your text with some Tool specific modifications
- An additional Font Size Multiplier exists next to the Font Size. This is the multiplier used to scale up your font size
when generating text in the viewport
- When no selection exists in the text field but the cursor is within a word, changing a value will affect the entire word.
- Similar to Photoshop when there is a label icon next to a dropdown you can use a mouse drag to modify the corresponding
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside a number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to increment
the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
- You can use the Hotkey CTRL+Space to quickly generate Text in the viewport.
Modify the font. All your installed fonts are shown
Font Style
Modify the font style such as Bold, Italic etc.
Font Size
Modify the font size.
- Similar to Photoshop you can drag the label icon next to the dropdown to modify the corresponding value
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside the number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to
increment the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
Font Size Multiplier
Multiplies the Font Size for all your document when generating the text. This allows you to work with large font sizes while still
seeing a reasonably sized preview in the text field.
- Similar to Photoshop you can drag the label icon next to the dropdown to modify the corresponding value
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside the number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to
increment the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
Modify the Text Color
Bold / Italic
Sets font to Bold or Italic. This also affects the font style dropdown
Underlined, Overlined, Strike
Adds a line under, over or through your text
All Caps
Capitalizes your Font
Small Caps
Capitalizes your Font, but applies it in a non-capitalized size
Superscript / Subscript
Adds Text above or below the font baseline
Kerning on/off
Toggles Kerning for the current font family
Sets your Document Alignment to left, right or center
Letter Spacing
Modify the distance between individual Letters.
- Similar to Photoshop you can drag the label icon next to the dropdown to modify the corresponding value
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside the number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to
increment the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
Font Stretching
Scale the font in X Axis
- Similar to Photoshop you can drag the label icon next to the dropdown to modify the corresponding value
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside the number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to
increment the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
Font Stretching only works with Font Sizes maximum 47 Font Stretching currently does not work with font sizes over 47. This includes the font size multipliers and Screen Space Text Size. E.g a Font Size of 47 with a multiplier of 2 will not work either |
Word Spacing
Adjust the distance between words for your document
- Similar to Photoshop you can drag the label icon next to the dropdown to modify the corresponding value
- Similar to the rest of Mari, you can place your cursor inside the number field and use CTRL+ Arrow Up / Down to
increment the number behind the cursor (in 1, 10, 100 Steps)
Writing System
Determines which fonts will be available in the Font Dropdown
- CTRL + Space will generate your text
- CTRL + Arrow Up/Down in a Number Field or Dropdown will increment the value depending on cursor position (in 1, 10 or 100 Steps)
- Standard Hotkeys like CTRL + B, CTRL + I and CTRL + U for Bold, Italic and Underlined
- When in Paint Buffer Mode ,Text is currently generated in linear colorspace and then gets an sRGB LUT applied to match
the original font color selection in the Text Tool.
This means that when you are using a viewport LUT other than sRGB (sRGB Aces etc.) the resulting color in the viewport
will be different from your color selection in the Text Tool.
- Font Stretching does currently not work with Font Sizes over 47.
This includes multipliers, so a Font Size of 47 with a multiplier of 2 will not work either
- In some cases Mari is unable to add the Text Tool to the Main Mari Tools Toolbar (for example if a screen recording software is running).
In these cases the Tool will be added to the Extension Pack Toolbar.